The butterflies group cares for children from age 3 to starting full time school. We offer full and part time places including the 15 or 30 hours nursery education entitlement. We also offer term time spaces with the option of using holiday club.
Every child has a key person who plans individual learning for them, ensuring that the provision meets their needs. Children are encouraged to be involved in their own learning and contribute to their learning journey, and parent contributions are valued through 'stories from home.'
We support children’s communication and language development and their literacy skills, through the implementation a phonics programme. We provide a multi cultural language rich environment where opportunities for mark making are readily available.
The Early Years Foundation stage guidance is used to shape the curriculum we offer. Emphasis is placed on developing children’s social and emotional well being , building confidence and self-esteem.
We work closely with the local primary schools, offering teacher to visit and meet the children, ensuring our children have a smooth transition to school.
New children are offered a settling in program individually tailored to meet their needs, as we understand that some children need longer to build up relationships with staff members.