Outdoor Area

The outdoor area looks directly out over the fields and the Went hills beyond, the children are able to view a variety of wildlife and we have insect houses hidden in some of the planters. Children are encouraged to go 'bug hunting' and exploring.

The large outdoor space contains lots of different opportunities for children to climb and explore, we have climbing frames and slides as well as a unique tyre challenge area. We provide opportunities for the children to build dens, castles or bat caves with a variety of construction materials.

The area consists of space to ride bikes, play football and run around and explore, we have a Forest School area with a fire pit and space to build dens. The outdoor play area has trees and plants within it and a dedicated vegetable plot as well as areas for the children to dig and chase the 'wiggly worms'.

The area supports all the 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, and safety is paramount, although we encourage children to experience challenge and risk in their play. Children are encouraged to manage their own safety, to understand the rules and what they need to do to keep safe.

The children have free flow access to outdoor play everyday, we have wet weather gear for the children to use, so we can explore the rain and snow. All age groups make full use of the outdoor area and in spring and summer we plan a lot of our activities and experiences to make full use of this area.